How Do I Get Rid of Fescue in My Lawn? 3 Methods

Robert T. McCarthy
15 Min Read

To get rid of fescue in your lawn, use a selective herbicide specifically designed to target fescue grass. Fescue can be stubborn to remove, but with the right herbicide and proper application, you can effectively eliminate it from your lawn.

Dealing with fescue grass invading your lawn can be a frustrating problem, as it competes with other grasses and can make your lawn look uneven and unkempt. However, with the right approach, you can successfully get rid of fescue and restore the health and beauty of your lawn.

We’ll explore the best methods and strategies for eliminating fescue grass from your lawn, allowing you to maintain a lush and uniform turf. By understanding the characteristics of fescue and utilizing effective herbicides, you can reclaim your lawn and create an environment where desirable grasses can thrive.

Identifying Fescue In Your Lawn

Looking to identify fescue in your lawn? Discover how to effectively get rid of fescue and restore the health and appearance of your turf with these proven tips and techniques. Enhance your lawn’s beauty and maintain its vibrant green color by tackling fescue infestations head-on.

Understanding Fescue Grass

Fescue grass is a common type of cool-season grass that is often used in lawns due to its ability to withstand shade and tolerate drought conditions. However, fescue grass can sometimes become invasive and take over your lawn, leading to a patchy and uneven appearance.

Signs Of Fescue In Your Lawn

Several signs can help you identify the presence of fescue grass in your lawn. By being aware of these indicators, you can take action to control its spread and restore the health of your lawn.

Here are the signs to look out for:

  1. Texture: Fescue grass has a coarser texture compared to other grass species commonly found in lawns. Its blades are wider and rougher to the touch, making it distinct from finer-textured grasses like Bermuda or Kentucky bluegrass.
  2. Growth habit: Fescue grass tends to grow in clumps or bunches rather than spreading out through stolons or rhizomes like other grasses. This clumping growth pattern can create uneven patches in your lawn.
  3. Color: While fescue grass can vary in color, it generally has a dark green or blue-green hue that sets it apart from lighter-colored grasses. This difference in color can be more noticeable when fescue invades areas dominated by other grass species.
  4. Mowing height: Fescue grass typically tolerates higher mowing heights compared to other grasses. If you notice certain areas of your lawn growing taller than the rest, it may indicate the presence of fescue.
  5. Drought resistance: Fescue grass has a higher drought tolerance compared to many other grasses. If you observe certain patches of your lawn remaining green and healthy during dry periods while the rest of the grass struggles, it could indicate the presence of fescue.

Methods For Removing Fescue From Your Lawn

When it comes to maintaining a lush, healthy lawn, fescue grass can be a stubborn nuisance. If you’re wondering how to get rid of fescue in your lawn, there are several effective methods you can employ.

From manual removal to chemical control and cultural practices, each approach offers its own set of benefits for dealing with this invasive grass.

Manual Removal

Manual removal of fescue can be a labor-intensive but effective way to eliminate this grass from your lawn. To manually remove fescue, you can use a sharp shovel or trowel to dig up the fescue clumps, making sure to remove the entire root system.

This method allows you to target specific areas where fescue is growing, minimizing the risk of damage to your desired grass species.

Chemical Control

Chemical control offers a more systematic approach to eradicating fescue from your lawn. Selective herbicides specifically designed to target fescue can be applied to your lawn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

This method is effective for larger infestations of fescue and provides long-term suppression of unwanted grass while preserving your desired turfgrass species.

Cultural Practices

Cultural practices such as proper lawn maintenance can also help in managing and reducing fescue in your lawn. Maintaining optimal mowing height, regular overseeding with desirable grass species, and ensuring adequate fertilization and watering can create an environment that is less conducive to fescue growth.

By promoting the health and vigor of your desired turfgrass, you can gradually outcompete and suppress fescue, leading to a healthier, fescue-free lawn.

Preventing Fescue Invasion In The Future

Preventing fescue invasion in the future is essential to maintaining a lush and healthy lawn. By implementing the right strategies and practices, you can safeguard your lawn against the encroachment of fescue grass and preserve the beauty of your outdoor space for years to come.

Proper Lawn Maintenance

Regular lawn maintenance is crucial in preventing fescue invasion. Mowing your lawn at the appropriate age,  height, fertilizing, and irrigating it adequately, will help to promote the growth of desirable grass species while creating conditions unfavorable for fescue development.

Removing thatch and aerating the soil will also improve the overall health of your lawn and discourage fescue growth.

Choosing The Right Grass Species

Selecting the appropriate grass species for your specific climate and soil type is vital in preventing fescue invasion. Consult with a local nursery or landscaping professional to determine which grasses are best suited to your area. 

Dealing With Remaining Fescue Patches

Dealing with remaining fescue patches can be a challenge, but it is not impossible to achieve a lush and uniform lawn. By following effective techniques such as spot treatments and overseeding with the desired grass, you can bid farewell to those persistent fescue patches and enjoy a beautiful green space.

Spot Treatments

To tackle those stubborn fescue patches in your lawn, spot treatments can be highly effective. This targeted approach allows you to focus on specific areas without harming the surrounding grass.

  • Identify the fescue: Before applying any treatment, it’s crucial to ensure the accurate identification of the fescue patches. This helps in determining the appropriate course of action.
  • Hand removal: For smaller patches, carefully digging out the fescue roots using a garden trowel can be a viable option. Ensure to remove as much of the rhizomes and stolons as possible to prevent regrowth.
  • Chemical herbicides: There are herbicides available specifically designed to target fescue. Make sure to choose a product that is safe for your desired grass type and follow the instructions for application carefully.

Overseeding With Desired Grass

Once you’ve eliminated the fescue patches, promoting the growth of your desired grass through overseeding is essential to fill in those bare spots and prevent future fescue invasion. This process helps to create a thick and uniform lawn appearance.

  1. Choose the right seed: Select a grass seed variety that is best suited for your local climate, soil conditions, and lawn usage. This ensures optimal growth and sustainability.
  2. Prepare the soil: Before overseeding, prepare the soil by removing any debris, loosening compacted areas, and addressing any nutrient deficiencies. This creates a favorable environment for germination and establishment.
  3. Seed application: Spread the grass seed evenly over the entire lawn, paying extra attention to the areas where fescue patches were present. Follow the recommended seeding rates for your specific grass type.
  4. Water and maintain: Moisture is pivotal for seed germination. Water the newly overseeded areas lightly and frequently to keep the soil consistently damp. Also, maintain proper lawn care practices such as regular mowing, fertilizing, and irrigation to promote healthy growth and discourage fescue from reemerging.

Seeking Professional Help For Fescue Removal

If you’ve been unsuccessful in your attempts to get rid of fescue in your lawn, it may be time to consider seeking professional assistance. A lawn care expert can provide you with the specialized knowledge and experience to tackle this stubborn grass effectively.

When To Consult A Lawn Care Expert

If your lawn is overrun with fescue despite your best efforts, it’s wise to consult a professional. Additionally, if you’re unsure about how to identify fescue or distinguish it from other grasses, it’s best to seek expert help.

They can assess the situation and offer tailored solutions to eradicate fescue from your lawn.

Finding The Right Professional

When searching for a professional to help you remove fescue, there are a few factors you need to consider.

First, look for a lawn care expert with a proven track record of successful fescue removal projects. This can be determined by checking online reviews and testimonials from previous clients.

Secondly, make sure the professional is knowledgeable about fescue identification and removal techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Fescue And Why Is It A Problem In My Lawn?

Fescue is a type of grass commonly found in lawns. It can be problematic because it competes with other grass types, grows in clumps, and has a different texture. Fescue can make your lawn look uneven and can be difficult to control.

What Are The Steps To Get Rid Of Fescue In My Lawn?

1. Identify the areas of fescue infestation. 2. Apply a selective herbicide specifically designed to target fescue. 3. Follow the product instructions carefully for best results. 4. Consider reseeding or overseeding the affected areas to promote the growth of desired grass types.

5. Regularly maintain and care for your lawn to prevent fescue from returning.

When Is The Best Time To Treat Fescue In My Lawn?

The best time to treat fescue in your lawn is during the fall season. This is when fescue is actively growing and more susceptible to herbicide treatment. Applying herbicides during this time will yield the best results in controlling and eliminating fescue from your lawn.


Eliminating fescue from your lawn requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. By implementing targeted herbicide applications, overseeding with desired grass varieties, and promoting a healthy lawn environment, you can effectively get rid of fescue and achieve a lush, beautiful lawn.

Regular maintenance practices, such as mowing, watering, and fertilizing, will also help to keep fescue at bay. With patience and dedication, your lawn can be transformed into a fescue-free haven. Embrace these techniques and enjoy the rewards of a healthier, more vibrant lawn.

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