Can Electric Lawn Mower Get Wet (5 Actionable Steps to Dry)

Robert T. McCarthy
17 Min Read

Electric lawn mowers should not get wet. Water can damage the motor and create electrical hazards.

Electric lawn mowers offer an eco-friendly alternative to gas-powered models. They’re convenient, quieter, and require less maintenance. Despite these advantages, they are sensitive to moisture. Exposure to water can lead to serious damage or even pose safety risks. Using an electric mower in wet conditions can short-circuit the motor or cause electrical shocks.

To prolong the lifespan of your electric lawn mower, store it in a dry place and avoid using it on wet grass. Proper care ensures safe operation and long-term reliability. Always prioritize safety by keeping your mower dry and well-maintained.

What To Do If I Left Out Electric Lawnmower In Rain

Electric lawn mowers are efficient and eco-friendly, but they can be vulnerable to water damage. If you left your electric lawnmower out in the rain, you might be worried about potential damage. Here’s what you need to know and do if your electric lawn mower gets wet.

What Causes A Lawn Mower To Get Wet?

Many factors can cause a lawn mower to get wet. Understanding these factors helps prevent future incidents.

  • Rain: The most common reason is unexpected rainfall. Leaving your mower outside without cover can lead to water exposure.
  • Dew: Early morning dew can also cause moisture build-up on your lawn mower.
  • Sprinklers: Lawn sprinklers can inadvertently spray water onto your mower if left outside.
  • Cleaning: Using too much water while cleaning the mower can also cause it to get wet.

Prevent these issues by storing your mower in a dry place and covering it when not in use.

How Water Damage Affects An Electric Mower’s Wiring

Water can significantly impact an electric mower’s wiring. Here’s how:

  • Corrosion: Water can cause corrosion of the electrical components. Corrosion can lead to poor connections and malfunction.
  • Short Circuits: Water can create short circuits, damaging the wiring and causing the mower to stop working.
  • Insulation Damage: Moisture can break down the insulation around wires, leading to exposed wires and potential electrical hazards.

To mitigate these risks, dry the mower immediately if it gets wet. Use a dry cloth to wipe down all accessible areas.

How A Short Circuit Can Damage The Motor

A short circuit can severely damage the motor of an electric lawn mower. Here’s what happens:

  • Overheating: A short circuit can cause the motor to overheat. Overheating can lead to permanent motor damage.
  • Burnt Components: The excessive current from a short circuit can burn out internal components of the motor.
  • Failure to Start: A damaged motor may not start or may stop working mid-operation.

If you suspect a short circuit, stop using the mower immediately. Let it dry completely and consult a professional for inspection and repair.

How Electric Lawn Mowers Are Designed

Electric lawn mowers are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their eco-friendliness and ease of use. But, many people wonder, can electric lawn mowers get wet? To answer this, it’s important to understand how these machines are designed. Their design plays a crucial role in determining their functionality and durability, especially in different weather conditions.

1. Waterproof Components

Many electric lawn mowers come with waterproof components. These parts are specially designed to resist water infiltration. This helps to ensure the mower remains functional even in damp conditions. The switches, motors, and battery compartments are often sealed tightly.

2. Sealed Battery Compartments

Electric mowers usually have sealed battery compartments. This prevents water from entering and damaging the batteries. The compartments are made of durable materials that provide an extra layer of protection.

3. Rust-resistant Materials

These mowers use rust-resistant materials to combat moisture. The blades, deck, and other metal parts are often coated with anti-rust substances. This extends the mower’s lifespan and ensures reliable performance.

4. Insulated Wiring

The wiring inside electric lawn mowers is insulated to prevent short circuits. Insulated wiring is crucial because it ensures that electrical components remain dry. This reduces the risk of damage and increases safety.

5. Drainage Systems

Some electric mowers feature built-in drainage systems. These systems allow water to escape from the mower easily. Drainage systems help to prevent water accumulation, which could otherwise damage internal components.

6. Protective Covers

Many models come with protective covers for extra safety. These covers shield important parts from water and debris. They are easy to attach and remove, providing convenience and protection.

Design FeaturePurpose
Waterproof ComponentsPrevent water infiltration
Sealed Battery CompartmentsProtect batteries from water
Rust-Resistant MaterialsCombat moisture and extend lifespan
Insulated WiringPrevent short circuits
Drainage SystemsAllow water to escape
Protective CoversShield parts from water and debris

How To Dry Your Lawn Mower

Electric lawn mowers are efficient and eco-friendly. But, what happens if they get wet? Knowing how to dry your lawn mower can save it from damage. This guide will show you the best methods to dry your electric lawn mower and restore its functionality.

Apply Electric Contact Cleaner

Electric contact cleaner is great for drying out electrical components. It removes moisture and prevents corrosion. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Turn off and unplug the mower before starting any cleaning process.
  • Remove the battery if your lawn mower has one.
  • Spray the contact cleaner on all electrical connections. Make sure to cover areas like the switch, motor, and battery terminals.
  • Allow the cleaner to evaporate completely. This usually takes a few minutes.
  • Reattach the battery and plug in the mower. Test it to see if it’s working.

Here’s a quick table to summarize the steps:

1Turn off and unplug the mower
2Remove the battery
3Spray electric contact cleaner
4Let it evaporate
5Reattach battery and test

How To Restore The Insulation Resistance Of The Wiring

Moisture can reduce the insulation resistance of wiring. This can lead to short circuits. Here’s how to restore it:

  1. Inspect the wiring for any visible damage or wear. Replace damaged wires.
  2. Use a multimeter to test the insulation resistance. A low reading indicates moisture.
  3. Dry the wiring using a hairdryer or heat gun. Keep the tool at a safe distance to avoid damage.
  4. Apply insulating varnish to the wires. This adds an extra layer of protection.
  5. Retest the insulation resistance using the multimeter. Ensure the reading is back to a safe level.

Here’s a quick checklist for restoring insulation resistance:

  • Inspect wiring
  • Test with a multimeter
  • Dry with a hairdryer
  • Apply insulating varnish
  • Retest with a multimeter

By following these steps, you can ensure your electric lawn mower is safe and ready for use.

Using Electric Lawn Mowers In Different Weather Conditions

Electric lawn mowers are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their environmental benefits and ease of use. But can electric lawn mowers get wet? Understanding how to use electric lawn mowers in different weather conditions is crucial to maintaining their longevity and ensuring safety.


Using an electric lawn mower in the rain can be dangerous. Water and electricity do not mix well. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Risk of Electric Shock: Water can cause short circuits, leading to electric shock.
  • Damage to Motor: Water can enter the motor, causing permanent damage.
  • Slippery Surfaces: Wet grass and soil can make the mower harder to control.

Safety Tips:

  1. Wait for dry weather to mow the lawn.
  2. Store the mower in a dry place.
  3. Use a waterproof cover if you must leave it outside.

Wet Grass

Mowing wet grass poses its own set of challenges. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Clogging: Wet grass tends to clump and can clog the mower.
  • Uneven Cut: Wet grass is harder to cut evenly, leading to an uneven lawn.
  • Increased Wear: Wet grass can stick to the blades, causing them to dull faster.

Best Practices:

Wait for grass to dryPrevents clogging and ensures an even cut
Clean blades after useRemoves wet grass and prevents rust
Check for clogs frequentlyKeeps the mower functioning properly

Area With High Humidity

High humidity can also affect the performance of an electric lawn mower. Here’s how:

  • Condensation: Moisture can build up inside the mower, causing electrical issues.
  • Corrosion: Metal parts may rust faster due to constant moisture.
  • Reduced Efficiency: The motor may not run as efficiently in high humidity.

Maintenance Tips:

  1. Store the mower in a climate-controlled environment.
  2. Regularly check for rust and clean metal parts.
  3. Use a dehumidifier in the storage area if possible.

Storing Electric Lawn Mower To Avoid Water Damage

Electric lawn mowers offer a convenient and eco-friendly way to maintain your lawn. But can electric lawn mowers get wet? Storing your electric lawn mower properly is crucial to avoid water damage. Ensuring it’s stored in a dry location can extend its lifespan and maintain its efficiency.


Storing an electric lawn mower outside can be tricky. Exposure to rain, dew, and humidity can cause significant damage. Here are some tips:

  • Use a waterproof cover: Invest in a high-quality cover to shield your mower from rain and moisture.
  • Elevate the mower: Place it on a raised platform to prevent ground moisture from affecting it.
  • Choose a shaded area: Avoid direct sunlight as it can deteriorate the cover and potentially heat the mower, causing damage.

Follow these tips to keep your electric lawn mower safe when stored outside:

Waterproof CoverProtects against rain and moisture
Elevate MowerKeeps it off the wet ground
Shaded AreaPrevents overheating and cover damage


A shed can be an excellent storage solution for your electric lawn mower. It provides shelter from the elements, but it still needs some care:

  • Ensure proper ventilation: A well-ventilated shed will keep moisture levels down.
  • Use a rack or shelf: Keeping the mower off the floor prevents moisture accumulation.
  • Check for leaks: Inspect the shed roof and walls for leaks that could let water in.

Here are the steps to maximize protection in a shed:

VentilationInstall vents or windows
Use Rack or ShelfElevate mower to avoid floor moisture
Check for LeaksRegularly inspect and repair any leaks

Garage Or Basement

A garage or basement is often the best place to store an electric lawn mower. These indoor spaces provide excellent protection from weather, but they still need some care:

  • Maintain a dry environment: Use a dehumidifier if necessary to keep moisture levels low.
  • Organize your space: Keep the mower away from items that can spill or leak.
  • Regular inspections: Check the mower for any signs of moisture or damage regularly.

Use these tips for garage or basement storage:

DehumidifierReduces moisture in the air
Organized SpaceAvoids accidental spills or leaks
Regular InspectionsIdentify and address issues early

Cleaning Electric Lawn Mower Without Causing Water Damage

Electric lawn mowers are convenient and eco-friendly. Yet, many wonder, can electric lawn mower get wet? Cleaning your electric lawn mower without causing water damage is crucial. Follow these steps to ensure your mower stays in top condition.

Preparing Your Electric Lawn Mower For Cleaning

Before you start cleaning, disconnect the mower from the power source. This prevents any accidental start-ups. Remove the battery if it’s a cordless model. Safety comes first.

Tools And Materials Needed

Gather the necessary tools and materials. Here’s a list:

  • Soft brush
  • Damp cloth
  • Dry towel
  • Compressed air can

These tools will help you clean without causing water damage.

Cleaning The Exterior

Use a soft brush to remove dirt and debris from the mower’s exterior. Avoid using water directly. A damp cloth works well for wiping down surfaces. Dry the mower immediately with a towel to prevent moisture buildup.

Cleaning The Blades

Blades need special care. Brush off grass clippings and debris gently. If necessary, use a damp cloth but ensure the blades are dry afterward. Never soak the blades in water.

Cleaning The Undercarriage

The undercarriage can collect a lot of grass and dirt. Tilt the mower gently to access this area. Use a soft brush and cloth to clean. Avoid using a hose or submerging the mower in water.

Drying And Storage

After cleaning, ensure the mower is completely dry. Use a compressed air can to blow out any remaining moisture. Store the mower in a dry place to prevent future water damage.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance keeps your mower in good shape. Check for loose parts and tighten them. Inspect the blades for sharpness and rust. Clean the mower after every use to prolong its life.

Cleaning ExteriorAfter each use
Cleaning BladesMonthly
Inspecting PartsEvery 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Electric Lawn Mowers Be Used In The Rain?

No, electric lawn mowers should not be used in the rain. Water can damage the electrical components. Always ensure your mower is dry before use.

Are Electric Lawn Mowers Waterproof?

Most electric lawn mowers are not waterproof. They can handle light moisture but should not be exposed to heavy rain or water.

What Happens If An Electric Lawn Mower Gets Wet?

If an electric lawn mower gets wet, it may short-circuit or suffer electrical damage. Dry it thoroughly before using it again.

How To Dry A Wet Electric Lawn Mower?

First, unplug the mower and remove the battery. Wipe it down with a dry cloth. Let it air dry completely before using.


Electric lawn mowers should generally avoid getting wet. Water exposure can damage the motor and battery. Always follow manufacturer guidelines for safe use. Store your mower in a dry place to prolong its life. Proper maintenance ensures your electric lawn mower remains efficient and safe for use.

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